38. V. Davis, S. Frielingsdorf, Q. Hu, P. Elsäßer, B.N. Balzer, O. Lenz, I. Zebger & A. Fischer, Ultrathin Film Antimony-Doped Tin Oxide Prevents [NiFe] Hydrogenase Inactivation at High Electrode Potentials, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 16 (34), 44802 (2024).
37. F. Hartmann, R. Dockhorn, S. Pusse, B.-J. Niebuur, M. Koch, T. Kraus, A. Schießer, B. N. Balzer & M. Gallei*
Design and self-assembly of second-generation dendrimer-like block copolymers
Macromolecules, 57 (15), 7098 (2024).
36. M. Lallemang, C. O. Akintayo, C. Wenzel, W. Chen, L. Sielaff, A. Ripp, H. J. Jessen, B. N. Balzer, A. Walther* & T. Hugel*
Hierarchical mechanical transduction of precision-engineered DNA hydrogels with sacrificial bonds
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 15 (51), 59714 (2023).
35. K. Dai, M. D. Pol, L. Saile, A. Sharma, B. Liu, R. Thomann, J. L. Trefs, D. Qiu, S. Moser, S. Wiesler, B. N. Balzer, T. Hugel, H. J. Jessen & C. G. Pappas*
Spontaneous and selective peptide elongation in water driven by aminoacyl phosphate esters and phase changes
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 145 (48), 26086 (2023).
34. M. Ibrahim, C. Wenzel, M. Lallemang, B. N. Balzer* & N. Schwierz*
Adsorbing DNA to mica by cations: influence of valency and ion type
Langmuir, 39 (44), 15553 (2023).
33. F. J. Gatti*, W. Cai, R. Herzog, A. Gharavian, A. Kailer, N. Baltes, P. Rabenecker, P. Mörchel, B. N. Balzer*, T. Amann & J. Rühe
Investigation of programmable friction with ionic liquid mixtures at the nano- and macroscales
Lubricants, 11(9), 376 (2023).​​​​
32. W. Cai, M. Jäger, J. T. Bullerjahn, T. Hugel, S. Wolf* & B. N. Balzer*
Anisotropic friction in a ligand-protein complex
Nano Lett., 23 (10), 4111 (2023).
30. W. Cai, J.L. Trefs, T. Hugel & B.N. Balzer*
Anisotropy of π–π stacking as basis for superlubricity
ACS Mater. Lett., 5 (1), 172 (2023).
29. M. Marczynski, T. M. Lutz, R. Schlatterer, M. Henkel, B. N. Balzer & O. Lieleg*
Contamination with black carbon nanoparticles alters the selective permeability of mucin hydrogels: Implications for molecular transport across mucosal barriers
ACS Appl. Nano Mater., 5 (11), 16955 (2022).
28. L. Gemmer, Q. Hu, B. Niebuur, T. Kraus, B. N. Balzer & M. Gallei*
A block copolymer templated approach for the preparation of nanoporous polymer structures and cellulose fiber hybrids by ozone treatment
Polym. Chem., 13, 4028 (2022).
27. M. Tschaikowsky, S. Brander, V. Barth, R. Thomann, B. Rolauffs, B.N. Balzer* & T. Hugel*
The articular cartilage surface is impaired by a loss of thick collagen fibers and formation of type I collagen in early osteoarthritis
Acta Biomaterialia, 146, 274 (2022).
26. W. Cai, J.T. Bullerjahn, M. Lallemang, K. Kroy, B.N. Balzer* & T. Hugel*
Angle-dependent strength of a single chemical bond by stereographic force spectroscopy
Chem. Sci., 13, 5734 (2022).
25. A. Goralczyk, M. Zhu, F. Mayoussi, M. Lallemang, M. Tschaikowsky, A. Warmbold, S. Caliaro, F. Tauber, B. N. Balzer, F. Kotz-Helmer, D. Helmer* & B. E. Rapp
Study of repellence on polymeric surfaces with two individually adjustable pore hierarchies
Chemical Engineering Journal, 135287 (2022).
24. M. Lallemang, L. Yu, W. Cai, K. Rischka, A. Hartwig, R. Haag, T. Hugel* & B. N. Balzer*
Multivalent non-covalent interactions lead to strongest polymer adhesion
Nanoscale, 14, 3768 (2022).
23. A. Baldwin, M. Hartl, M. Tschaikowsky, B.N. Balzer & B.W. Booth*
Degradation and release of tannic acid from an injectable tissue regeneration bead matrix in vivo
J. Biomed. Mater. Res., 110, 1165 (2022).
22. F. V. Frieß, Q. Hu, J. Mayer, L. Gemmer, V. Presser, B. N. Balzer* & M. Gallei*
Nanoporous block copolymer membranes with enhanced solvent resistance via UV-mediated cross-linking strategies
Macromol. Rapid Commun., 43, 2100632 (2022)., Cover